here is am with sam in hong kong just before our visit to maccau and beijing. we are wearing matching columbia jackets that we purchased for $10. not bad at all....

a nice pan of a bay at maccau. off in the distance are some of the more expensive homes owned by the casino operators im told.

cathedral of saint something or the other at maccau. it was pretty cool

back in beijing, i am standing on a bridge at this nice park next to the forbidden city. usually there is water but they drained it to prevent freezing.

here is a picture i like of my mom standing at the top of a bridge.

there were some cute little kids waving flags running around, and so i took a picture.

here i am with sam and my cousin at one of the old gates to the city of beijing. there are several of these around.

in the center of tienamen square, there is the tomb of mao. i am standing at its southern side, saluting mighty china. i dont know how pleased the guards were about this, but im sure that if they took one step away from their post there would be some serious explaining to do...

here are sam, my cousin, and grace (my buddy who was an incredible guide in china)

this is one of my favorite pics of my mom, standing alone in one of the main squares of the forbidden city. click to enlarge.

here i am with my mom in front of a cool tree at the forbidden city. there are a lot of beautiful old tress in china.

pic of me at the great wall. this place was really awe inspiring. here i am about to roll all the way down. look at how far it goes into the horizon? amazing eh?
The tree that you and your mom took picture with is not just a cool tree. The day the last emperor and empress got married, they took their wedding picture with that tree because of its unique trunk.
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