yesterday i went to wan chai, a stop on hong kong island just before central. a lot of the buildings you see in the skyline are around here. i mainly walked down gloucester rd, a broadway of sorts, that is an artery of transportation through the center of hong kong. but first, i encountered a little baby...

look at this little rugrat. cute aint it? i thought she was, so i went up to her to make a few faces, get her to smile.

instead, i got this face. we stared at eachother, for maybe a whole minute. her expression didnt change, she didnt bat an eye, she just lifted her head and met my gaze. she is going to grow up to be a man eater one day....

this is gloucester road, a broadway equivalent that runs through the heart of hong kong city. keep going down a couple of miles and youll get to central and the governer's former palace (back when this was a part of the british empire).

the opposite view of gloucester. there's traffic anywhere you go. that bus just cut somebody off.

next door to the government immigration building on gloucester rd is thi slittle park. though tiny compared to washington square park, it was still a nice change from the city atmosphere above. in the distance you can see the world financial center, the tallest building in hong kong.

like some cities we know, hong kong has tons of taxis. here, they are color coded as red and green, one goes to the new territories, the other stays in hong kong island (i think).
Y'know the child pornography laws are so strict her in Italy that it's really not ok to take photographs of children...
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