like every adventure into the city, it begins with a wonderful little ride on a minibus. i especially enjoyed this one because of our little donkey companion on the dashboard. can you see the
silhouette of the skyline in the horizon?

just look at all these people....

and here i go being a goof ball with our wonderful tour guide alfreida. the chinese kids here pick their western names for themselves. one, our coordinator, named herself olive. i asked how she got the name and she said "from the dictionary of course". the weirdest one to date has been a girl who called her self cinderella. im not even kidding....im waiting for one to name themselves carborator or transmission.

as some of you may know, squid is a favorite dish of mine. on the streets here you can buy a lot of really exotic food (including turtle killed right before your eyes... so sad). this wasnt particularly any good though since they dipped it in this weird sauce.

here is a snapshot of nathan ave. a really overpriced street in mong kok. i like the neon lights. this street is sorta like broadway (but not since they actually have a broad way). all the streets parallel to this one are virtually impossible to drive down since there are so many people about.

and here i go taking a snapshot of myself with the neon lights in the background on nathan ave. just look at that goofy smile.... in case youre wondering why i am always wearing a wife beater, this place is scorching hot and humid. i have to take two showers a day to ward of the sweat and stickiness.
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