this is a picture of my dorm from the street level. unfotunately, my room doesnt face this side which has a view of the bay, but the back,which faces the cliff wall.

this is my hallway. it is an all boys hall way, my door is number 001, first one on the right.

this is my bedroom. considerably smaller than my room at NYU. my bed and desk are on the right, my roommate TJ's are on the left. notice how clean my section is...

this is a picture of my shared bathroom. notice the urinals on the left, for some reason water consistently runs in them. seems like a waste

this is my shared kitchen. kind of a mess, but at least we have a communal rice cooker. eating out at the cafeteria costs $2-3 a meal.

this is the common room. as you can see, this place is very much like a traditional dorm.
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